Sunday, March 02, 2008

Don't use ATTR_cockpit outside the cockpit objects

I've blogged about this before, but...let me be totally clear:

Don't use ATTR_cockpit in objects that are not one of the two cockpit objects for your airplane.

Don't use ATTR_cockpit in the attached misc. objects for your plane - move the parts of the mesh that require ATTR_cockpit into the cockpit object.

Don't use ATTR_cockpit in scenery objects.

The OBJ spec basically says as much when it says "don't use cockpit features" outside of cockpits.

Now what goes wrong if you violate this varies with the betas vs. X-Plane 8, but I can tell you this: no version of X-Plane has ever shipped that will correctly handle ATTR_cockpit in attached objects for all cases.  There's always been bugs in this not-such-a-good-idea code path; it's just the severity has varied over time.

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